provides you the financial needs for all the important occasions in your life. We provide personal loan to gives you the extra cash when you need it. We even make it fast and simple when you need the extra cash.

The limit for personal loans varies according to your income. If you are earning high, you can be granted a high loanable amount. We always give what you deserve, at a very reasonable interest rate. For any enquiry, our loan consultants will be happy to guide you on your application.

We offer minimum 12 months, or up to a maximum of 10 years of repayment. Now with low interest rate, going as low as 1.5%  monthly. Example RM98.33 installment per month for RM1000 – 12 months repayment package. While Maximum Annual Rate will not more than 3%.

Required Documents:

  • A copy of identity card

  • A copy of latest 3 months salary slip

  • A copy of latest 3 months bank statement

  • A copy of latest utility bill

  • A copy of latest EPF statement

Payment Schedule

(1.5% monthly loans without collateral)

(1.0% monthly loans with collateral)

Keep in touch FastMoney2u today to get dream loan.

Call, message, whats-app or we-chat to us at

+6011 2415 5329